#facebook #instagram #socialmedia #consulting @Callistecomm According to Alexei Oreskovic and Gerry Shih 2012, “Facebook Inc’s recently-acquired photo-sharing service Instagram removed a key element of its integration with Twitter, signaling that competition between the popular Web social media companies may be…
The Advent of The Global Brain | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

"@Facebook is worth $52billion, and that's not a good thing" | @Reuters #socialmedia
#Education 2.0: How can we encourage #Entrepreneurship?
Check out Facebooks Earliest Rival, Why It Failed
GigaOm: 32 Ways to use Facebook for business
GigaOm: 8 Guides to becoming a power business social networker
Paul Allen sues major tech co's including Google | Yahoo Finance
According to Rachel Metz an AP Technology writer 2010, “Paul Allen files tech patent suit against major tech co’s, including Google, Apple, Facebook.” http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Paul-Allen-sues-major-tech-apf-3523017873.html?x=0&.v=9 #paulallen #microsoft #google #netflix #ebay #youtube #officedepot #staples #officemax See this Amp at http://bit.ly/asPWHK