[Double decker bus and smaller buggy. photo by Callistecomm founder Mr. Calliste Jr. on Bond St., Mayfair district in London, England circa 2013] #Entrepreneur #Business #BusinessOwner #Entreprenuership #Founder #Callistecomm New York, N.Y. – “Get started with Callistecomm (pronounced kah-lease comm)”…
Ranking of Economies – Doing Business | World Bank Group

Verizon iPhone launch post mortem: Three lessons and some humble pie | Betanews
According to Joe Wilcox 2011, “No matter what sales numbers #Apple or #Verizon eventually boasts about, #iPhone 4’s launch on the carrier cannot be called a resounding success — at least compared to others.” Read more >http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Verizon-iPhone-launch-post-mortem-Three-lessons-and-some-humble-pie/1297458812 #tech #mobile #smartphone…
Why Nokia's decision on Friday matters: because smartphones are outselling PCs | The Guardian
"#Kinect sells 2.5 million in 25 days" | @Wired
According to #CharlieSorrel 2010, “@Microsoft may be struggling to sell phones, but over in #Xbox360 land, things are going crazy. The #Kinect controller-free controller has sold a whopping 2.5-million units in just 25 days.” Article Continued > http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/11/kinect-sells-2-5-million-in-25-days/ #charliesorrel #xbox360…