#business #consulting #WorldBank #IFC #investing #vc @Callistecomm Latest Ranking of Economies Doing Business list by World Bank Group. There are 189 countries benchmarked through June 2013. United States is ranked 4th, Denmark 5th, Malaysia 6th, Korea, Rep. 7th, Georgia 8th…
What Is The Stop Online Piracy Act? | NBC Bay Area
Video: Creating Information at Lightspeed: Yuri Milner | Reuters
Baidu, China sued in U.S. for Internet censorship | Reuters
China tells U.S. to quit as human rights judge | Reuters
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/10/us-china-usa-rights-idUSTRE7382EH20110410 #China #humanrights #USA #Reuters #law According to Chris Buckley, “The United States is beset by violence, racism and torture and has no authority to condemn other governments’ human rights problems, China said on Sunday, countering U.S. criticism of Beijing’s…