Entrepreneurs are more successful with a business plan. Whether writing a new or reviewing an existing one. Proven benefits, • A comprehensive business plan is essential to raising capital from investors. • A comprehensive business plan communicates the…
Featured Services
Strategic Business Development
con·sult·ant [ kǝn súltǝnt ] 1. professional adviser: an expert who charges a fee for providing advice or services in a particular field. (Encarta® World English Dictionary [North American Edition]) A ‘Strategic Business Development’ consultation includes the following: 1.…
Entertainment Management
Technology has dramatically changed the recorded music and film business respectively. To succeed, talented artists and startup entertainment companies, both music and film, require guidance and strategic partners to secure capital, sponsorships and licensing. Equally important, maintaining control of…
Emerging Markets Analysis
Calliste Communications (Callistecomm) believes micro-investing, angel investing and “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)”, in start-up Entrepreneurs and small businesses located in emerging markets continues to create substantial opportunities around the globe. Many opportunities exists for entrepreneurs and small business owners…
Project Management
Callistecomm offers website development solutions – a secure, easy to update Managed WordPress website. Let Callistecomm manage your website with our Webmaster service. Provide the plugin updates and security maintenance as your Webmaster. Live streaming and hosted Video-on-Demand…