TechCrunch host the TechCrunch Disrupt 2010 conference on May 24 – May 26th. #techcrunch #conferences It is a stellar line-up of technology company executives, analysts, programmers and entrepreneurs. Definitely take a look at the site Click for Web Site #Michael…
Conference: “WordCamp San Francisco 2010”. According to the WordPress Blog 2010, “…the San Francisco event is the flagship, put together each year under the direction of WordPress co-founder and lead developer Matt Mullenweg, who traditionally reports on the “State of…
(April 9, 2010) – Calliste Communications (Callistecomm) will sign an Ohio based real estate development and management company client in coming days. Callistecomm will provide strategic business consultation to the client and is responsible for advising on corporate structure, developing…
Interested in planning a family getaway or road trip? Think the great State of Ohio! Now this is not an in depth overview of the State of Ohio. This is an informal mention. A shout out!! Home to The Pro…, “How to start a software company” You don’t always have to be a tech geek. Like any industry you just have to identify an unmet need. (con’t) Click Here for Article, “Entrepreneurs and small business news and information” Now showing on Forbes Video Network, Usher’s power play, Candy Entrepreneurs billionaire roots, Driven: Eric Featherstone (con’t) Click Here for Article