
calliste communications

5 Keys on How Business Plans Add Capital and Value – @Callistecomm

[Double decker bus and smaller buggy. photo by Callistecomm founder Mr. Calliste Jr. on Bond St., Mayfair district in London, England circa 2013] #Entrepreneur #Business #BusinessOwner #Entreprenuership #Founder #Callistecomm New York, N.Y. – “Get started with Callistecomm (pronounced kah-lease comm)”…

Calliste Provides Entertainment Management for DJ Sophia Lin

Calliste Provides Entertainment Management for DJ Sophia Lin

#djsophialin #calliste #musicmondays #musicbiz @Callistecomm Columbus, Ohio – Callistecomm’s entertainment management team led by 30 year music industry veteran Jerry Calliste Jr.  announced today the company officially represents DJ Sophia Lin (Site: @djsophialin) for entertainment management. Calliste Jr. is the co-founder and…

Callistecomm to sign new client: Ohio based real estate development company

(April 9, 2010) – Calliste Communications (Callistecomm) will sign an Ohio based real estate development and management company client in coming days. Callistecomm will provide strategic business consultation to the client and is responsible for advising on corporate structure, developing…