#li #china #it #internet #security According to Sisi Tang and Melanie Lee 2011, “The Chinese government is working with domestic Internet search engines like Baidu Inc and Sohu.com and financial institutions to prevent phishing attacks on unsuspecting Chinese web users.…
What Is The Stop Online Piracy Act? | NBC Bay Area
Internap Not For Sale, Bets On Data Center Growth | Reuters
Baidu, China sued in U.S. for Internet censorship | Reuters
Court rejects suit on Net Neutrality rules as premature | NYTimes.com
http://nyti.ms/gM5Ph5 #law #fcc #netneutrality According to Edward Wyatt 2011, “A federal appeals court on Monday rejected as “premature” a lawsuit by Verizon and MetroPCS challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s pending rules aimed at keeping Internet service providers from blocking access…