#china #business #finance #wanggongquan #vc According to George Chen 2011, “Did you miss the biggest breaking news item in China’s investment circle yesterday? I am not talking about another big IPO or M&A deal. I’m talking about Wang Gongquan, an…
Baidu, China sued in U.S. for Internet censorship | Reuters
Smartphone boom lift phone market in first quarter | Reuters
According to Tarmo Virki 2011, “Strong demand for smartphones gave a further boost to overall cellphone market volumes in January-March and made iPhone supplier Apple Inc a rare winner on the market, research firms said on Friday.” Read more > http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/29/us-handsets-idUSTRE73S0MR20110429
China tells U.S. to quit as human rights judge | Reuters
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/10/us-china-usa-rights-idUSTRE7382EH20110410 #China #humanrights #USA #Reuters #law According to Chris Buckley, “The United States is beset by violence, racism and torture and has no authority to condemn other governments’ human rights problems, China said on Sunday, countering U.S. criticism of Beijing’s…
Sony to spend $1.2 billion to double image sensor output | Reuters
According to #IsabelReyn0lds 2010, “@Sony Corp will invest $1.2 billion in the next #financial year to double its output of image #sensors, taking advantage of brisk demand for #digital cameras and #smartphones.” Article Continued >http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6BQ0JT20101227 #digitalcameras #electronics #technology #consulting @Callistecomm